General Info and Guidelines
We require that you reserve and attend Skill & Drills on consistent days and times each week to make your basketball development part of your weekly schedule. However, if your schedule changes and you wish to attend a different skill session time, please feel free to do so by contacting your membership specialist. Students are expected to attend Larry Hughes Basketball Academy just like they are expected to attend regular school or work. To realize the long-term benefits of basketball development, it is important to train consistently.
Tuition payments are set up on autopay and debited on the first of each month. Failure to stay current on tuition payments will lead to not being able to participate in any Academy activities. If you have any questions, please see your Membership Specialist.
Members may freeze their membership with the Academy for up to 90 days. Please request a hold by emailing manager@btsbball.com. During the designated hold period, there will be no monthly membership fee charged. Upon unfreezing the membership and returning to active status, the member’s payments will resume on the date the hold is scheduled to end.
If you decide that a btsba Basketball Academy membership is not for you, you may cancel your membership with 15 days written notice by emailing manager@btsbball.com Cancellations take effect on the first day of the following month. To terminate your contract, your payments must be current. We do not accept cancellation notices by any other means.
1. Signups within 30 days of the event are nonrefundable.
2. Camps or Clinics require a minimum of 30 days written cancelation notice prior to the event to receive a refund.
3. Summer Camps held May thru August require written cancelation notice prior May 1st to receive a refund.
Parents, visitors, friends, and family are encouraged to watch Skills & Drills. We only ask that you respect the class by remaining quiet, turning cell phones off or to vibrate, and that if you are bringing younger children that you keep them quiet and under control. Parents: if you are unable to stay and watch classes, we ask that you drop your athletes off 15 minutes prior to the class and pick them up immediately following class. The academy becomes very busy around class times, and we cannot be responsible for watching unattended athletes who are not in class.
The highest compliment that a person can give us is the referral of a family member or friend. If you have a friend or know of somebody that would benefit from our program, please feel free to give him or a VIP Guest Pass. Your Membership Specialist will be glad to provide you with these.
Explain to this person that the VIP Guest Pass will entitle them to one free Skills & Drills session and encourage them to visit LHBASTL.COM to make an appointment for a free session.
The bts Basketball Academy will be closed on all major holidays. Some classes may be canceled with prior notice for special events.
Although we are not liable for items lost or left behind, we do have a Lost and Found. Please see someone at the front desk, and they will try to help you locate your item. All items are held for four weeks before being donated.
The Larry Hughes Basketball Academy expects its employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner consistent with our mission, and to use good judgment and common sense in matters of their safety and the safety of fellow employees, athletes, and spectators at bts Basketball Academy.
Likewise, athletes are also expected to always conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner and avoid activities that would jeopardize their own safety and the safety of others while training at The Academy. Any actions or behaviors inconsistent with these principles may result in an athlete’s removal from class activities.
It has been proven that families who play together, stay together. bts Basketball Academy encourages family members to take advantage of the discounts that we offer to immediate family members.
If for any reason you are ever dissatisfied with your development here at bts Basketball Academy, please let us know. Simply talking with your Membership Specialist can easily solve most challenges.
The bts Basketball Academy general info guidelines is intended to give you a general overview of the Academy and information regarding policies. Because the Academy operates in a dynamic industry, some policies, and programs currently in effect may be revised, suspended, or eliminated by bts Basketball Academy in response to business needs or changing legal requirements. These changes will be available to you online or by requesting updated general info and guidelines.
Important message to btsba ft bobby jackson members about
Skills & Drills class reservations
We want to make sure that we can give every athlete the best experience at every Skills & Drills class they attend. We require that you reserve your spot in your Skills & Drills classes.
The way you will do this is by sending an email to manager@btsbball.com with the day or days of the week that you will attend. They will then set up a recurring reservation which means these will become your permanent class times indefinitely until you request a change. If you need to make a permanent change, please email us at least 24 hours in advance of your session and he will confirm the change with you.
We do our best to allow flexibility in scheduling when your athlete is sick, out of town, or has another obligation. If you would like to make up your class outside of your reserved time, please email us with at least 48 hours’ notice before the class you would like to attend.
If you show up to class without a reservation, we reserve the right to ask you to stand by to see if there are available spaces in a class after all those with reservations have arrived. If a class is full, we unfortunately cannot make exceptions due to space and the ratio to coaches. All these procedures are being put in place to ensure that your athlete gets the best experience every time they attend the academy. We only have their best interest in mind. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!